Two shoelaces in love. The rocking motions created by their lovemaking caused their mobile home to roll towards us, and open. Exposed! They disentangled from each other, and squirmed with embarassment. But soon they realized they were enjoying the attention, and the squirming turned into a joyful dance.
This video presents three varieties of oneness. (1) The lone sphere (sameness), (2) the oneness of the shoelaces when physically tied together and (3) the oneness of the shoelaces, once untied, which is the oneness of perfectly synchronized movement.
The sphere is the mechanical tool of of an evil force who watches its movements projected from a steaming basin from a far, undisclosed lair. It is used for recruitment purposes. At the lord's whim, the sphere is piloted toward the unsuspecting victim, who is seduced by both the sensual rhythms emitted from its mysterious orifice and the provocative movement of its limbs. Overtaken by wonder, the victim peers into the sphere's gyrating orifice and is sucked into its belly. The scene inside is fabricated to appear like a familiar rave, but upon the orb's return to said lair, the victim will realize he/she has been deceived. The Holocaust parallels are a little too vivid for my taste.
It is like the monolith in 2001. It arrives in the universe, parses its top, opens its top, lets out two strings, apes pick up tools and fight, people travel to space and confront their egos, a fetus is born next to the sun. It might have to do with microscopic things that are emited from the strings when they make their motion -- that motion moves the micrscopic things up and out from within the void of the ball. Those microscopic things cause violence and technology.
eavesdropping upon the world of two people smoking opium -- each drifting off from each other into their own reveries, yet at the same time completely in harmony with each other.
this is a mechanical-organic a terminator, but flora. it rolls around, opens up, and does a sort of mating display for plants. there are other organisms...they are the "male" counterparts of this object. the strings are untied and waved in order to attract one of these "male" objects, in order to go through the process of pollenation for mechanical reproduction. this particular sample was unable to attract a mate, and rolled off to find another spot to repeat the process....maybe next time it will have more luck.
Wasn't this one of your first machines? I remember because we were at the mall and the sticky tentacles grabbed that baby and dragged it into the machine and the mother freaked out, and the baby was screaming, and you couldn't get the sphere open.
A little boy brought this orange to school to prove to his friends that he knew how to tie his shoes. It totally blew everyones mind.
Two shoelaces in love. The rocking motions created by their lovemaking caused their mobile home to roll towards us, and open. Exposed! They disentangled from each other, and squirmed with embarassment. But soon they realized they were enjoying the attention, and the squirming turned into a joyful dance.
This is just how radiators lay eggs and reproduce. Maybe they'll grow up to be toasters or space heaters. Same thing.
This video presents three varieties of oneness. (1) The lone sphere (sameness), (2) the oneness of the shoelaces when physically tied together and (3) the oneness of the shoelaces, once untied, which is the oneness of perfectly synchronized movement.
The sphere is the mechanical tool of of an evil force who watches its movements projected from a steaming basin from a far, undisclosed lair. It is used for recruitment purposes. At the lord's whim, the sphere is piloted toward the unsuspecting victim, who is seduced by both the sensual rhythms emitted from its mysterious orifice and the provocative movement of its limbs. Overtaken by wonder, the victim peers into the sphere's gyrating orifice and is sucked into its belly. The scene inside is fabricated to appear like a familiar rave, but upon the orb's return to said lair, the victim will realize he/she has been deceived. The Holocaust parallels are a little too vivid for my taste.
it is an orange slicer/pasta maker, which makes pasta out of orange wedges -- fruit spaghetti!
and you can also jump rope with the very durable pasta.
It is like the monolith in 2001. It arrives in the universe, parses its top, opens its top, lets out two strings, apes pick up tools and fight, people travel to space and confront their egos, a fetus is born next to the sun. It might have to do with microscopic things that are emited from the strings when they make their motion -- that motion moves the micrscopic things up and out from within the void of the ball. Those microscopic things cause violence and technology.
eavesdropping upon the world of two people smoking opium -- each drifting off from each other into their own reveries, yet at the same time completely in harmony with each other.
this is a mechanical-organic a terminator, but flora. it rolls around, opens up, and does a sort of mating display for plants. there are other organisms...they are the "male" counterparts of this object. the strings are untied and waved in order to attract one of these "male" objects, in order to go through the process of pollenation for mechanical reproduction. this particular sample was unable to attract a mate, and rolled off to find another spot to repeat the process....maybe next time it will have more luck.
Baby cobra twins
sexy, so so very sexy
sexy sexy sexy
Wasn't this one of your first machines? I remember because we were at the mall and the sticky tentacles grabbed that baby and dragged it into the machine and the mother freaked out, and the baby was screaming, and you couldn't get the sphere open.
God that was a mess.
a cosmic lifeforce that consumes and reacts to the funky rythm of the universe.
it is not a can opener
It is an alien Chocolate Orange :P
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